Dakdragerwinkel: Undisputed number 1 in the market
In late 2019, Dakdragerwinkel.nl engaged us to help them grow further. Thus, within a few years, they have grown from a relatively small player to the undisputed number one in roof racks and roof boxes in Google Organic.
Organic traffic +244%
Reviews +83% in 2 years

In short
Dakdragerwinkel has grown from a relatively small player to the undisputed number one roof rack and roof box site in Google Organic within a few years. With the help of the right content, multiple technical tweaks and a strong improvement in the domain’s authority, rapid, sustainable steps have been taken. Now the sights are set on the many other product categories they offer.
The start of the journey: 2019
In late 2019, Dakdragerwinkel.nl engaged us to help them grow further. Dakdragerwinkel.nl has been the place to quickly and easily order the right carriers and cases for cars, bikes and other vehicles since 2007. With their wide range of A-brands, superfast delivery, competitive prices and in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry, the webshop had everything it needed to convince satisfied customers and keep them coming back. The only thing missing was findability.
Despite their rock-solid USPs, Dakdragerwinkel.nl failed to make the most of its webshop. For two of the most important keywords – together accounting for some 13,500 search volume per month – the website remained stuck on the second page in the search results. Practically invisible, as half of Google users click on a result in the top 3 and less than 1 per cent of users get to the second page of the search engine. Moreover, there was a lot of internal competition between key category pages and product pages within the same themes, which did not help the overall ranking.
To improve Dakdragerwinkel.co.uk’s online position, we carried out several SEO analyses. A keyword research revealed that there were still many untapped opportunities for several keywords. Based on those keywords, we optimised the content for all relevant pages and expanded the website with new pages, making it findable for unused (but relevant) keywords. We solved the internal competition with a well-thought-out internal linking strategy.
External optimisation provided the final, necessary ‘boost’ on the way to the top. Thanks to our extensive publisher network (+300,000 publishing opportunities), we were able to focus on relevant platforms, increasing the impact of placements. Not only did this boost the website on specific keywords, but it also increased its overall authority. As a result, the website started performing better across the board.
Dakdragerwinkel.nl reached the number 1 position for its two most important keywords in early 2021. These top positions were not given away after that either:
Chart 1: Dakdragerwinkel’s position progression for two keywords between January 2020 and January 2023.
And then?
The first goal was achieved, but of course SEO doesn’t stop there. We divided Dakdragerwinkel.nl’s categories into different themes. Within the roof rack category, excellent positions had already been achieved for most keywords, but there was still plenty of room for growth for the other categories.
The analysis showed that there were still plenty of opportunities within the theme of ‘bike carriers’. Therefore, we also started to focus on this theme in our optimisations and with results: where Dakdragerwinkel.nl was still in position 8-10 in the search results for the keyword ‘bike carriers’ in July 2023, it was in position 1-4 in May 2024.
We then categorised the keywords that followed from a more extensive keyword research again thematically, after which we were able to spot opportunities more concretely with a new Share of Voice theme.
Charts 2 & 3: A Share of Voice is a visualisation of market share based on a set of keywords. This Share of Voice shows the difference between competitors in how well they rank for keywords related to bike carriers in the top-20, measured on 11 May 2023. The Y-axis is the overall percentage of keywords for which the domain ranks in the top-20, and the X-axis is the average position within the top-20. It can be seen that Dakdragerwinkel has grown towards the position of market leader in both aspects.
Within these subcategories, we then set about writing and improving content, optimising the internal link structure and creating new pages that better match the right search intent, among other things. Supplemented by targeted link building, more findability was achieved within all subcategories.