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Coral and Fish Store: growth through targeted, data-driven linkbuilding

By using an effective linkbuilding strategy did Coral and Fish Store not only gain the online visibility they were looking for, but even became the market leader when it comes to saltwater aquariums and everything related to these aquariums.

More impressions +80% in 1 year

Keywords in top-10 +224% in 1 year

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In short

Coral and Fish Store, a business focused on saltwater aquariums and both supplies and animal life for these aquariums, had the goal to gain more online visibility in the Netherlands, Belgium and eventually Germany as well. By using an effective linkbuilding strategy did Coral and Fish Store not only gain the online visibility they were looking for, but even became the market leader when it comes to saltwater aquariums and everything related to these aquariums.

The challenge

Coral and Fish Store is an ambitious company that wants to grow not only nationally, but also internationally. This is possible in part because there aren’t many companies that specialise in saltwater aquariums, but also because Coral and Fish Store has a brick and mortar shop in Breda, a city that is relatively close to the Belgian border and also not too far from Germany.

The goal was to initially focus on the Netherlands and Belgium, and make sure to expand the online visibility in those countries for the relevant keywords. The online visibility in Germany was a goal to focus on further down the line.

The strategy

Part of our strategy to increase Coral and Fish Store’s online visibility was to give advice about the content on the website. Some of the pages that are relevant to the business’s goals had little or no content. Having good content on a page is not only important to make sure the search engine understands that the page is relevant for certain search terms, but it was also an essential part of the other aspect of our strategy: linkbuilding.

By using our unique tooling, we were able to see how Coral and Fish Store was doing in terms of their online visibility. It also allowed us to find the best opportunities to grow. We used this data as the basis of our linkbuilding strategy.

We mainly focused our linkbuilding efforts on search terms that another company that is specialised in saltwater aquariums was ranking well for. Our aim was to use linkbuilding to make sure Coral and Fish Store would not only become a competitor to this other party when it comes to online visibility, but to even surpass the competion.

The results

Our strategy has resulted in a massively increased online visibility for Coral and Fish Store. Take, for example, the number of search terms that Coral and Fish Store is ranking for. In early 2024, this number was 2.000. Just seven months later, this number had increased to 2.700.

Search terms aimed at Belgium are also performing better. The search term “zee aquarium winkel belgie” (saltwater aquarium store Belgium) used to rank in position 5 or 6, but it now ranks in position 2 and sometimes even position 1.

The improved visibility has had a direct impact on Coral and Fish Store’s results. Not only did the number of visitors on the website increase significantly – the number of transactions also got a clear boost. Coral and Fish Store is reaping the rewards of their position as online market leader that has been attained with our data-driven strategy every day.


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